Friday, March 12, 2010

¡Música para adultos!

Here are some more musical suggestions for ways to spend your date nights (you are remembering to make some time for your spouse, right?).

One of our Upper West Side moms, jazz singer Sari Kessler, performs with her trio in the neighborhood every Wednesday at Bar Luna. Check out her vocals at

Argentine Sofia Tosello (a former MPM teacher who still subs for us) is singing tangos on Thursdays this month at Tutuma Social Club in Midtown on the east side. I just heard her there last night and was blown away by her beautiful, impassioned singing. You can hear samples from her recently release cd at Tutuma is a small club on E. 56th, with wonderful Peruvian food, which is a bit pricey, but there's no cover charge or minimum, so it works out to be about the same as having dinner at any club with a cover charge.

So get a sitter, ask abuela to do her duty, take an evening off from being mamá and papá, and enjoy some music for adults!